In a reception in Salisbury Cathedral, the 13th century Sarum Master Bible was welcomed home to the city in which it was created nearly eight centuries ago.
This exquisite work of art is an early example of a 'portable Bible', it is just 17cm tall and its parchment pages are as fine as tissue paper.
Many of those who generously donated to FNL's successful Sarum Master appeal attended a wonderful Choral Evensong and then joined us for the reception where the Bible was on display for the first time.
The Sarum Bible will be on display to the public in the cathedral from 28 February 2025 for about a month - do go and see it, is extraordinary.
We are hugely grateful to the major donors to the appeal:
The Adrian Swire Charitable Trust
The David Cock Foundation
Sir Rocco Forte
The Foyle Foundation
The Golden Bottle Trust
The J P Marland Charitable Trust
Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin
The Rothschild Foundation
Mark Storey
Lord Saatchi
The Sabina Sutherland Trust
The T S Eliot Foundation
The Tern Trust in memory of Ruth Kathleen Rennie, née Mingard, Salisbury Training College 1945-1947
In addition, nearly 200 members of FNL and members of the public generously donated to the appeal and we are most grateful to each one.
Images: by Finnbarr Webster and (illumination) Linda Sayce; courtesy of Salisbury Cathedral.
Top of this page: detail of folio 585r. Apocalypse, with initial of St John as a medieval scribe, writing his Revelation. By Linda Sayce and courtesy of Salisbury Cathedral.
Top panel left to right: The Sarum Master Bible on display at the reception, and being closely studied; The Very Revd Nicholas Papadopulos, Dean of Salisbury.
Bottom panel: FNL Chair, Geordie Greig speaking; The Dean, FNL Chair and Anne Dutton, Cathedral Librarian at the reception; the Sarum Master Bible with Anne Dutton, Cathedral Librarian.
Images in panels by Finnbarr Webster and courtesy of Salisbury Cathedral.